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I stopped in Nick's Frame and Body Shop in Sharonville, Ohio in 2005 to see if Emory had any photos of his cars that ran dirt in the Cincinnati tri-state area. Emory informed me he still had the last car they ran. This is the way I found it back in the junk yard with Larry Moore's name still on the top and #33 from the last time it ran at Winchester Speedway for the Dri-Power 400. Picture by Bill Holder
It was buried so deep that the easiest way to get it out would be to hook to it with a crane from the other side of the fence. Picture by Bill Holder
Rust had almost overcome it. Picture by Bill Holder
A shot of the Monte Carlo nose. Even though this car is a 70 Chevelle they used the 70 Monte Carlo nose since they wanted the single headlight look. Picture by Bill Holder
These next few shots are after Mitch Nickels pulled it out from it's hiding place. Picture by Bill Holder
Thanks to Year~One it will get a new skin and keep us from much body work. Picture by Bill Holder
Amazingly the window net wasn't even rotted, while some of the frame was lost to rust. Thankfully Mitch had a 70 Chevelle parts car that has a perfect frame. Picture by Bill Holder
The rear bumper is in great shape, no matter Mitch informed me they had a stack of them they saved while they were racing. Picture by Bill Holder
Take a look at the knots on the steering wheel. Emory told me that Larry Moore was having trouble with the wheel slipping out of his hand. Emory took heater hose and wrapped it around the wheel and covered it with tape. Picture by Bill Holder
After a meeting with Mitch Nickels, Johnny Williams, The Dillinghams, Morgan Chandler, Chuck McWilliams, Bill Holder, and Myself. It was decided that this Giant deserved to be taken down bare are rebuilt the right way and driveable with a big block just like it was. This is a shot after Mitch and Johnny Williams cutout the frame to be replaced. You can see from the photos above how much work has already been done. Picture by Doug Lee
A shot of the roll cage cutout and the quick change rear end. Picture by Doug Lee
A shot of the grill, springs, brake drums, trailing arms, and other various parts. Picture by Doug Lee
A shot of the cage, and front clip. Picture by Doug Lee
A shot of the seat cage, a 2 piece type that is only seen today in Scott Bloomquist car with the seat and headrest seperate. Picture by Doug Lee
Picture by Doug Lee
Another shot of the roll cage. Picture by Doug Lee
A shot of the heater hose covered steering wheel. Picture by Doug Lee
A closeup shot of the quick change rear end. Picture by Doug Lee
Here's a shot of some of the suspension parts cleaned up. Picture by JT LeFever
Shot of the rear bumper and fuel cell frame to be re-created. Photo by JT LeFever
Shot of the 1970 Chevelle SS Frame Specs. Picture by JT LeFever
The new/old frame turned out unbelievable. The parts car it came out of was in great shape. Some might wonder why they would use such a valuable piece? When the car was originally built they purchased a brand new 1970 Big Block Chevelle from a local dealer, drove it home, stripped it, and built it. Picture by JT LeFever
The roll cage after being sand blasted. The bars you see with rust on them still will be cutoff and replaced. Picture by JT LeFever
The clutch and brake pedals were left intact for exact firewall placement. Picture by JT LeFever
With a new frame comes a lot of work putting in spring buckets and many other handmade brackets. Just like back in the day everything needed is custom made or in the case of this spring bucket the original is used. Picture by JT LeFever
Another shot of an original spring bucket used on the new frame. Once brackets are in we'll have to do a second sand blasting. Picture by JT LeFever
Another shot of the spring bucket and to the top right of the picture a new panhard bar bracket. Picture by JT LeFever
Other spring bucket with new handmade upper trailing arm bracket. Picture by JT LeFever
With a new frame also comes a lot of work plating the stock frame. Here's shot of a piece that was cut to fit the siderails of the frame. Mitch said, "whoever gets to drive it North/South weekend will be able to haul it in there. If they wreck it we'll fix it." Picture by JT LeFever
Mitch gets the frame side rail plating welded. Picture by JT LeFever
Original engine mounts used and turned around for engine setback. When electrical fuel pumps were outlawed the cross member had to be notched for a mechanical fuel pump to be installed. The original notch was cutout of the old frame and welded in the new. New jackbolt threads can also be seen welded in. Picture by JT LeFever
New transmission cross member mounts made and welded in. Picture by JT LeFever
This is a top shot of the frame rail that goes up over the rear end. You can see how much it has been narrowed, just like the original car was done some 37 years ago. Picture by JT LeFever
Stock rear lower trailing arm mounts have been plated, just like they did 37 years ago. This car is essentially a 4 bar car without a birdcage. Picture by JT LeFever
When I arrive on Sunday morning Mitch has the chassis upside down, welded, and ready for me to blast one last time before paint. Picture by JT LeFever
Shot of the roll cage going back in. After the cage is back in place we will cutout and replace any bad bars. Picture by Doug Lee.
I'll try to get a better shot of the frame rails that go over top of the rear end. They have been split and narrowed, the underside of the rail is maybe 1" wide. Picture by Doug Lee
Old school frame gauges hang along the bottom of the frame. Mitch had to dig the gauges and 70 Chevelle frame book out of the archives to make sure everything goes back where it is suppose to. Picture by Doug Lee
Make shift cross members with sandbags help keep the frame from movement while the cage is tacked in. Picture by Doug Lee.
Bottom shot of the frame rail that goes up over the rear end. You can see how much it has been narrowed, just like the original car was done some 37 years ago. Picture by JT LeFever
Some of the damaged bars have been cutout and replaced. Picture by JT LeFever
Mitch gets the original fuel pump bracket welded in and is nearing completion of rear of the chassis. Picture by JT LeFever
Johnny Williams marks for a notch to be made in the tail clip. Mitch Nickels works on re-creating a new tube rear bumper in the background. Picture by JT LeFever
Johnny Williams smooths out his notch. Picture by JT LeFever
Johnny getting her smooth. Picture by JT LeFever
Mitch Nickels cuts the ends even on the new rear frame bumper. Picture by JT LeFever
Now it's back like it was on the original frame. Picture by JT LeFever
Notched rear tail clip awaits the new rear frame bumper resting against the frame in the right lower corner of the photo. Picture by JT LeFever
Noticing the width and indentations on the rear tail clip while measuring the fuel cell opening. We see that original frame was cut and flattened to fit the fuel cell. Not a big deal to some, worth the time and effort to Mitch and Johnny. Picture by JT LeFever
Johnny Williams grinding the finish of his fresh cut. Picture by JT LeFever
Johnny Williams gets ready to first fit the cowl. Picture by JT LeFever
Mitch and Johnny hold the GIANT down. It has the race shop feel just like when I was kid. A lot of help in and out because they love it, not beacuse they are getting paid. Picture by JT LeFever
Mitch hooks to the chassis to put it back on the horses as Grandmother Simmons looks on. Picture by JT LeFever
Mitch sets the chassis back on the horses. Picture by JT LeFever
The chassis returns from being painted at Quality Electrostatic. Picture by JT LeFever
Meanwhile, Mitch pressure washes the Frankland rear end to see what we're up against. Picture by JT LeFever
Pinion bracket at 10:00. Picture by JT LeFever
The rear end turned out decent, although the brackets and tubes may need repaired/replaced. Picture by JT LeFever
Fuel cell bars tacked in and a great shot of where the rear bumper connects with the frame and the downtubes. Picture by JT LeFever
This is a shot of the front cage clip sitting on the frame. It will get welded into place once the firewall is in place. Picture by JT LeFever
The new Cowl ready to be stripped and prepared Picture by JT LeFever
Mitch and Johnny hit a small snag when it came time to measure for the cowl. The old cowl was inspected and appears to be shortened and gas welded back together. So this is a shot after the cowl has been cutoff to be trimmed 8"~ 9". Picture by JT LeFever
The cowl coutout and prepared to have 8-9 inches taken off. Picture by JT LeFever
Scraps of what was cut out of the cowl. Picture by JT LeFever
Firewall ready to go back onto the cowl. Photo by JT Lefever
The Teacher and one of his many students. Emory Nickels explains to Johnny Williams that it's better to grind with an electric grinder then to grind with an air grinder. Just before Johnny explains that he knew that but he just burned up one of Emory's electric grinders:-) Picture by JT LeFever
Mitch and Johnny discuss the Giant. Picture by JT LeFever
The floor pan is in and awaits the firewall. Picture by Doug Lee
The firewall ready to be set in place. Picture by Doug Lee
The firewall set in place. Picture by Doug Lee
Shot of the firewall in place and if you look at the left side of the firewall you'll see where the battery box will be placed. Picture by Doug Lee
Firewall in place and ready to be joined to the floor pan. Picture by Doug Lee
Mitch prepares to tack weld the firewall in place. Picture by Doug Lee
Mitch and Johnny after the firewall is set in place. Picture by Doug Lee
Mitch tack welding the firewall in place. Picture by Doug Lee
Mitch and Johnny discuss the front roll cage alignment. Picture by Doug Lee
Ready for the front roll cage clip. Picture by Doug Lee
Shot of the floor pan and firewall. Picture by Doug Lee
JT listens as Johnny tells how much of the roof pillar will be used. Picture by Doug Lee
Johnny works hard on the floor pan. Picture by JT LeFever
Mitch gets the floor pan nearly all welded. Picture by JT LeFever
If you could only see my face as I sit in the most comfortable racing seat I've ever been in. Picture by JT LeFever
Mitch ended up making a mostly new seat frame. Picture by JT LeFever
Another shot of the driver's seat. Picture by JT LeFever
Original Stewart Warner guages and steering wheel. The wheel will get retaped. Picture by Doug Lee
Some of the suspension gets bolted on while Mitch awaits for me to get back from Charlotte with ball joints. Picture by JT LeFever
The shortened cowl ready to meet the firewall. Picture by JT LeFever
A look at the transmission and handmade Emory Nickels headers that custom fit above the transmission crossmember. Picture by JT LeFever
The Emory Nickel headers turned out great after sand blasting and will be sent to Aesthetic Finishers for ceramic coating. Picture by JT LeFever
The headers are back a little from where they will be, but will be a little higher to fit above the custom transmission crossmember with straight pipes out the back. With the way these headers were made this car could sit much lower than most cars of the day. Picture by JT LeFever
Custom transmission crossmember made to run the custom headers above it. Picture by JT LeFever
Another shot of the Emory Nickels header. Picture by JT LeFever
The chassis pulled back outside for sandblasting after a rain delay. Picture by JT LeFever
The chassis pulled back inside after blasting is complete. Picture by JT LeFever
Another shot of the headers ceramic coated by Aesthetic Finishers in Piqua, Ohio. Picture by JT LeFever
Picture by JT LeFever
Mitch gets the dummy block, heads, intake in with the headers bolted on. This had to be done to make sure the new crossmember Mitch made cleared. Picture by JT LeFever
Mitch gets the dummy block, bell housing, and transmission in to set and repair the crossmember. Picture by JT LeFever
I picked the header up today from Aesthetic Finishers in Piqua, Ohio. As you can see they turned out beautiful! Picture by JT LeFever
This shot shows how precise Emory made these headers to clear all around. Picture by JT LeFever
Just another fine piece of fabrication by Mitch. Picture by JT LeFever
Lower control arms before removing the ball joints and getting their final blasting. Picture by JT LeFever
Lower control arms and trailing arms blasted. Picture by JT LeFever
Shot of the upper control arm after having the primer applied. Picture by JT LeFever
Shot of the upper control arm after having the primer applied. Picture by JT LeFever
Shot of many of the parts after primer. Picture by JT LeFever
Johnny did a great job on refinishing the control arms. Picture by JT LeFever
Other componets finished. Picture by JT LeFever
The Frankland rear end back together. Picture by JT LeFever
The Frankland rear end back together. Picture by JT LeFever
Shot of the massive carburetor that will power the 500+ C.I. Big Block. Picture by Doug Lee
Another shot of the massive carburetor that will power the 500+ C.I. Big Block. Picture by Doug Lee
Pretty nice dummies. Picture by JT LeFever
Pretty nice dummies. Picture by JT LeFever
New crossmember. Picture by JT LeFever
Tight squeeze. Picture by JT LeFever
Tight squeeze. Picture by JT LeFever
Tight squeeze. Picture by JT LeFever
Shot of the bellhousing Johnny reworked. Picture by JT LeFever
Mitch sandblasting the new handmade inner rocker panel's. Picture by JT LeFever
Modie re-fits the old interior before fabricating the new panels. Picture by JT LeFever
A shot of the underside of the GIANT. Picture by JT LeFever
The stove has arrived! Picture by JT LeFever
As soon as the stove is in the bell housing and transmission will follow. Picture by JT LeFever
All of the new sheet metal, with the exception of the cowl induction hood have arrived from Year-One. Here is a shot of the new left front fender. Picture by JT LeFever
Shot of one of the new floorpans. Picture by JT LeFever
The Year-One Cowl Induction hood arrives. Picture by JT LeFever
Mitch gives the new fenders a haircut. Picture by JT LeFever
Checking the fit of the new fender. Picture by JT LeFever
A good shot of the fender braces. All the panels of this car are bolted on. Picture by JT LeFever
Getting a look at some of the new sheet metal. Picture by JT LeFever
Johnny gets the new outer rocker fitted. Picture by JT LeFever
Left side rocker and door look great. Picture by JT LeFever
A special thanks goes out to Year-One for their help in restoring this GIANT. Picture by JT LeFever
Dirt Racing 101 links associated with this car & Nick's
Emory Nickels Tommy Simmons John Cummings Don Lamb Chuck McWilliams Larry Moore Jay Wyatt Ronnie Hines ---------------------- Original lettering done in paint and decal by Harold Sharp ---------------------- Special Thanks to all that have help thus far to make this happen!
Emory Nickels
Gorman Dillingham
Modie Dillingham
Mitch Nickels
Johnny Williams
Tommy Williams
Keith Colyer
Bill Shiveley
Jeff Shiveley
Bill Holder
Jim Klette
Doug Lee
Fred Smith
Paul Jordan@ Trident Specialty
Aesthetic Finishers
Gary Engle@ Quality Electrostatic
Landrum Spring
Mike Osborne@ Left Behind Racing 513-739-9790
Jimmy Henry
Leo Konik@ Konik's Klassiks
Dale Cubic@ CFM Performance Carbs
Rich Poe@ Valvoline
KOI Auto Parts
Jamie Frankland Kerry Henne@ Frankland
NDLMHOF ---------------------- Original Crew
Emory Nickels Gorman Dillingham Modie Dillingham Mike Nickels Mitch Nickels Johnny Williams Bill Jewett Bill Shiveley Howard Duff Glen Wilson Harold Sharp