1973 World 100
1973 World 100: 1)Floyd Gilbert 2)Billy Teegarden 3)Gene Petro 4)Bruce Gould 5)Dick Debolt 6)Roger
Grossnickle 7)Chuck McWilliams 8)Dave Chase 9)Chick Hale 10)Frank Lamp 11)Red Drable 12)Bill
Zwanzinger 13)Ron Edwards 14)Rodney Combs 15)Dale Woolworth 16)Ed Sanger 17)John Mugavin
18)Don Goff 19)Ron Weedon 20)Bob Senneker 21)Jim Patrick 22)Bob Marhefka
Floyd Gilbert of Lockland, Ohio in the R.L. Duncan owned "Duncan
Delight" #59 was the winner of the 1973 World 100.