Floyd Gilbert
Floyd said he told someone he never saw a good picture of himself. He said the next week he was presented with this picture. Photo sent by Floyd Gilbert
This is a picture of an oil painting of Floyd painted in the 70's by Sandy Cox. Photo by JT LeFever
A clean shaven Floyd Gilbert in 1968. Photo sent by Floyd Gilbert
This picture is the way I will always see Floyd in my mind. Take a look at those glasses and keep in mind this was 1973. Photo sent by Floyd Gilbert
Floyd Gilberts first race car in a 1951 Demo Derby at Glen Este Speedway. Photo sent by Floyd Gilbert
Floyd Gilbert #29 in 1953. Photo sent by Floyd Gilbert
Floyd Gilbert in 1954 at Glen Este Speedway. Photo sent by Floyd Gilbert
Floyd Gilbert in 1955 at Glen Este Speedway. Photo sent by Floyd Gilbert
Floyd Gilbert in the Bob Busener #195 in 1964. Photo sent by Tom Fenos
Floyd Gilbert in the Bob Busener #195 in 1964. Photo sent by Floyd Gilbert
Floyd Gilbert in Tommy Simmons #3 in 1964. Photo sent by Floyd Gilbert
Floyd Gilbert in the Bob Busener #195 in 1966. Photo sent by Floyd Gilbert
Floyd Gilbert with car owner Bob Blair after an indoor win at the Cincinnati Gardens. Photo sent by Floyd Gilbert
Floyd Gilbert in the Bob Busener #195 in 1967 at Glen Este Speedway. Photo sent by Tom Fenos
Photo sent by Tom Fenos
Floyd Gilbert #9 at Northern Kentucky Speedway. Photo sent by Floyd Gilbert
Floyd Gilbert #9 at Northern Kentucky Speedway. Photo sent by Shane Ruth
Photo sent by Tom Fenos
Floyd Gilbert in Ralph "Pappy" Clary's #1 GTO at Whitewater Valley Speedway in 1970. This was this first race car Floyd ever drove with power steering. Floyd said after that he never drove a car without it. Photo sent by Floyd Gilbert
Floyd Gilbert after a 1970 feature win in Ralph "Pappy" Clary's #1 GTO at Whitewater Valley Speedway. Photo sent by Floyd Gilbert
Floyd Gilbert in Ralph "Pappy" Clary's #1 GTO races with Gene Petro in the Ruth Motors #29 at Whitewater Valley Speedway in 1970. Photo sent by Floyd Gilbert
Floyd Gilbert #11 races with Ron Baker #73. Photo sent by Tom Fenos
(l-r) Gene Petro, Vern LeFevers, and Floyd Gilbert at Whitewater Valley Speedway Liberty, Indiana 1971
Floyd Gilbert in the Jim Stahl #7. Photo sent by Tom Fenos
Floyd Gilbert in the Jim Stahl #7 at a Tri County Mall Car Show. Photo sent by Tom Fenos
Floyd Gilbert in the Jim Stahl #7 at a Tri County Mall Car Show. Photo sent by Tom Fenos
Floyd Gilbert in the Jim Stahl #7 and Chuck McWilliams #18 at Tri County Speedway. Photo sent by Tom Fenos
Floyd Gilbert in the Bob Buesner #195 at Tri County Speedway. Photo sent by Tom Fenos
Floyd Gilbert in the Bob Buesner #195 and Dick Dunlevy #11 at Tri County Speedway. Photo sent by Tom Fenos
Floyd Gilbert in the Bob Buesner #195 at Tri County Speedway. Photo sent by Tom Fenos
Photo sent by Floyd Gilbert
Floyd Gilbert in the Ruth Motors #29. Photo sent by Shane Ruth
Floyd Gilbert in the Ruth Motors #29. Photo sent by Tom Fenos
Floyd Gilbert in the Ruth Motors #29 at Tri County Speedway. Photo sent by Tom Fenos
(Left to Right) Cecil Snell, Roy Bell, David Gilbert(Floyd's son), Morgan Chandler(in driver's seat), Floyd Gilbert, Bobby Ashcraft, Buddy Rich.
It was a bad omen for the crew that day, yet they hadn't a clue. Morgan's haul-truck broke down on the way to the racetrack, so he called Pat Curry of Rural Auto Parts, and Pat provided the trailer the car is sitting on, and I think a truck to pull it, too. When they arrived at the track, they took a driver and pit crew photo before unloading. Just a few hours later, #28 lay on it's top all mangled right at the end of the back straightaway at the Tri-County Speedway. I thought the year was over, but Floyd won 42 races that year, just like he said he was going to do, because he was 42 years old at that time. Photo and caption sent by Jim Snell
Floyd Gilbert opening day 1972 at Tri County Speedway West Chester, Ohio. This was not a sign of things to come. Flying Floyd went on to win 42 features that year in the Morgan Chandler #28 and 7 more feature wins in 3 other cars for a total of 49 feature wins in 1972. Photo sent by Terri Shannon
Floyd Gilbert coming out of turn two at Tri-County Speedway. This was taken after the big wreck. To my knowledge, this was the last time we ever raced there. Photo and caption sent by Jim Snell
Floyd Gilbert in the Morgan Chandler #28 at Whitewater Valley Speedway 1972. Photo sent by Tom Fenos
Floyd Gilbert and crew in 1972. ( Back Row L to R ) Mike Roland, Pat Curry, Floyd Gilbert, Ed ?, Morgan Chandler, ?, Cecil Snell. ( Front Row L to R ) David Gilbert, Jullian ?, Buddy Rich, Ron Kilgore, Roy Lee Bell, Ed Gibson. Photo sent by Mike Roland
Photo sent by Tom Fenos
Photo sent by Tom Fenos
Photo sent by Tom Fenos
Photo sent by Tom Fenos
Morgan Chandler's 1973 Camaro #28 at the 1973 Cavalcade of Customs in Cincinnati, Ohio. Some may remember in 1974 Chevrolet came out with the two tone RS Camaro with this same paint design. Photo sent by Jim Snell
Photo sent by Mike Roland
Floyd Gilbert at NKS (Florence, KY) in 1974. Photo sent by Benny Allen
Floyd Gilbert #59 and Vern LeFevers #33 race at Whitewater Valley Speedway. Photo sent by Tom Fenos
Vern LeFevers in the Bill Osborn #33, Floyd Gilbert in the RL Duncan #59, Bubby James in the Jim Dorn #77, and Billy Teegarden in Floyds #11.
Photo sent by Tom Fenos
Photo sent by Tom Fenos
Floyd Gilbert in "Ole Big Iron" at NKS (Florence, KY) in 1975. Photo sent by Benny Allen
Photo sent by Tom Fenos
Photo sent by Tom Fenos
Photo sent by Tom Fenos
Photo sent by Tom Fenos
Floyd Gilbert takes the win at Whitewater Valley Speedway Liberty, Indiana in Mike Shepherd and Will Wagner's Black Magic #23. Photo sent by Terry Murray
(Stage standing) James Essex inducting Flyin Floyd Gilbert into the National Dirt Late Model Hall of Fame in 2004. Photo by Eric Arnett