2007 Middle Georgia Raceway Reunion Central City Park, Macon, GA 11/3/2007 by: Joe Cawley Sr
The 2007 Middle Georgia Raceway Reunion was held at Central City Park in Macon, Georgia on 11/3/2007. It was for the 50th anniversary of the last race held on the track, also known as Macon Speedway. The first track built on the premises was a mile track, that was formerly a horse race and built before 1900, and in the late 40s the 1/2 mile track was added and it was 50 years ago the last race was held on it.
The mile track is still intact except a couple strips of asphalt across it, but the 1/2 mile track has been gone a long time. There is an old concession stand from years gone by still standing in the 1-2 turn of the racetrack. The fairgrounds was located on the premises and many of those buildings still stand, including a gazebo where Robert E. Lee gave a speech.
The National Vintage Racing Association's Macon chapter hosted the event. There were several race cars on display, including the # 85 open wheel race car of "Speedy" Morelock who raced on this track, and many more in the 30s and 40s, and was on display in a clearing where you could see the # 4 turn and backstretch. This car sat on display at Middle Georgia Raceway for years by the front ticket office.
Several drivers who competed at the Middle Georgia Raceway and others in the area were on hand to greet the people, sign autographs and have their pictures taken with the fans. They included: Bob Burcham of Chattanooga, Tn., Harold Fountain of Martinez, Ga., Woody Moore of Hawkinsville, Ga. Eddie MacDonald of Tifton, Ga. Al Smith of Jeffersonville, Ga. , Tommy Clinard, Don Tomberlin, Bob Moore and several others from the Macon, Georgia area.
There were activities going on in an exhibition building, along with the drivers seated for autograph sessions, there was a slide show of the races in Macon, Ga. from the 20s through the current years, a memorabilia auction, and vendors selling items to race fans. Outside, were food vendors.
A good time was held by all who attended this event, which is held yearly the first Saturday in November.
Joe Cawley Sr by the #85 of Speedy Morelock
The #85 of Speedy Morelock, Middle Georgia Raceway turn 4 sits behind
Bob Moore ( Sweet 16)
Woody Callaway (22)
Martin Sapp (8)
36 John Knowles (36), Dewey Stancil (06), David Owens (87), Hoot Gibson (B1)
Pam Bird (74)
Hoot Gibson (B1)
Woody Moore, Harold Fountain, Al Smith, Bob Burcham, & Eddie MacDonald
Central City Park mile and half mile tracks - 30s
(22) Red Byron & (24) Buddy Shuman - 40s or early 50s
Macon Ga - Cars on the track - late 40s or early 50s
Macon Ga - Open wheel racers - 30s or 40s
Central City Park Speedway - Frontstretch to turn 1
Central City Park Speedway - View from turn 2 down the backstretch
Macon Ga - Central City Park Speedway - View of turns 3 and 4 from the backstretch
Macon Ga - Central City Park Speedway - View of turn 3 from the backstretch
Macon Ga - Central City Park Speedway - View of turn 4 from the backstretch
Macon Ga - Central City Park Speedway - View of backstretch into turns 3 and 4
Macon Ga - Central City Park Speedway - View of frontstretch from turn 1
Macon Ga - Central City Park Speedway - View of frontstretch into turn 4
Macon Ga - Central City Park Speedway - View of concession stand in turns 1 and 2